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Arrosticini and The Benefits of Grilling

Summer is here, the warm weather means you can fire up the arrosticini grill of yours. There are lots of delicious grilling options for you to choose from. Barbeque is the king of summer eats and although it’s one of the tastiest meals to have in your backyard, it can also be a bit on the unhealthy side. But it is all about the choices as well as preparation you choose that determines how healthy your meal is. 

First things should be first. There are quite a few health rules which you have to follow when you grill your food, such as:

  • Do not burn your food. According to you should not try not to char your food. Why? Heterocyclic amine (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are deemed as carcinogens and these two compounds can be found in charred meat. A study found out that people who consumed the well done meats on a regular basis were 60 percent more likely to acquire pancreatic cancer.
  • Use a marinade with low-fat ingredients. Some research suggests that marinating meat even for a short amount of time will significantly reduce the formation of HCAs. This includes onions and garlic in the marinade which can also help in reducing HCA formation on cooked meat. Make sure you avoid using too much sodium based sauces in your marinade.
  • Keep the meat lean. Select those leaner cuts and trim. When your cuts of meat are very fatty, the melted fact can drip onto your arrosticini grill and the smoke with the harmful chemicals can seep into your meat.
  • Make use of foil. Spread the aluminum foil on the grill in order to limit or avoid flare-ups. Make some small holes in the foil in order to allow the fat from the meat to completely drain. Also, in order for you to help lower the health risks, clean your grill all the time in order to get rid of any preexisting chars.

Here are some tips for a healthy, savory barbecue:

  • Marinades can be healthy. Accordingly, you may add bold flavors for your barbecue to taste great without adding in too much calories or fats. You can include Worcestershire sauce or you can make your own chili sauce. If you want, you can also try mixing tomato paste and molasses. When making the sauce, you should not be afraid to add a little amount of sugar. Ingredients like honey, sugar or molasses can further bring up the flavor of the barbecue to another level and it typically goes well with other different spicier marinades. However, you should not add too much or you will risk burning your food. What is even much better is that plenty of marinades have some surprising health benefits. Take for example tomato paste contains lycopene which is considered as an antioxidant that fights the free radicals which disrupts normal cell growth and will potentially lead to cancer, premature aging and heart disease.
  • Veggies. You may have noticed perhaps that vegetables taste much better when they are grilled. When you marinate and then grill the vegetables, you allow them to caramelize better and it is in the process of caramelization that the best flavors are brought out. 

I like getting creative with my grilling! Throwing in veggies like mushrooms and sweet peppers adds colour as well as taste.
Posted by: Rowena D. | September 20, 2016, 4:11 pm
I didn't know about HCA in barbecue. It's really good to know this especially during grilling season.
Posted by: Shawna | July 12, 2016, 10:31 am
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