Manufacturer and Distributor of Fine Cuisine Products


3610 Nashua Dr. Unit 3
Mississauga, Ontario
L4V 1L2, Canada


The Benefits of a Thermally Controlled Food Trolley

The food trolley has evolved greatly from being a simple table on wheels to storage on wheels. However, one major development that has greatly increased the use of the food trolley has been the addition of the thermally controlled chamber. Not only has this made the food trolley a lot more appealing for the hospitality industry, caterers and even hospitals, it has opened up a whole new way of storing food.


The thermally controlled food trolley has transformed how kitchens approach food preparation – and has spoiled diners who now expect food at just the right temperature every time.


We offer a number of rethermalization units in our food trolley portfolio. Rethermalization – a large term for a simple concept – maintaining a temperature you want the food to be. This type of temperature controlled food trolley has actually seen incredibly diverse uses. Though envisaged purely as a food transportation device which would be used to keep food at the temperature the chef wishes it to be served to diners, they have proven to be used far more creatively.


This type of food trolley has found its true calling in the kitchen. Bringing food up to temperature, cooling down dishes and more, the thermally controlled food trolley has been used extensively in preparation of food.


Chefs use the thermally controlled food trolley to great effect to pre-prepare food. In fact, with the hot cases attached, it is preferred that the final finishing touches be allowed to happen in the food trolley. This means a greater number of batches can be prepared, reducing serving time for diners. And don’t think these thermal units are an inexact science. With digital displays and a plethora of temperature controls, you can finely control the level of heat. It means you can program the unit to provide high heat for some of the time and then reduce the temperature to keep the dish warm but not cooking for later.


With our rethermalization food trolleys you also have the peace of mind that food spills, the occasional knock and the usual rough handling in a kitchen will not mean a food trolley that cannot take a knock. Resistant to most chemicals and hard-wearing our food trolley is designed and built to be a trusty companion in the kitchen, and still look its best for diners.

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